Web Quest


Henry James once said that “Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius that I have ever known." Rudyard Kipling was a British writer and poet, who garnered immense popularity during early 20th century. His early works always reflected a very natural and aesthetic way of Indian life. Kipling used Indian names, myths, legends and rituals in most of his work.  Let’s take a journey with the life of Rudyard Kipling with simple tasks.


To begin with, I want to divide you into pair. There are two creative tasks. By a toss, each two student get one specific project. So, consider:

First one. Kipling invented storeis about How the Leopard got his spots and How
the Camel got his hump.
Can you invent a story about an animal?
Think about How the zebra got its stripes or How the elephant got its
long trunk or How the giraffe got its long neck.
Make some nice pictures for your story.

Second.  Kipling’s poem IF is really a list of all the things you must do if you want
to be a man.
Make a list of things you must do to be a good student.
Make your list like Kipling’s poem.
Start each line with “If you can…”


I will give you colored pencils, gouache and sheets of paper. Also, you can use visual examples of animal images, necessary information from the Internet, but it should be original and not stolen. Flight of fancy is not limited. A sense of humor is welcome.


When we look at all done works, each student vote for favorite performance of others. The winner is the pair who has the most votes.


I hope you do not have any questions. The project helped you to gain knowledge of the English language, and in the future you will want to read more works of Rudyard Kipling.

Thanks for your attention and hard work!

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